Monday, August 22, 2016

False Alarms and Final Moments

Lindsey was full-term and we thought the night of April 7 (to be delivered April 8) was the night - over a week early.  We were pretty disappointed to spend several hours in triage and being sent home.  Papa D and Grandma Weez moved to the basement and ended up going home in the morning.  It's only a matter of days, some things we read even say notes from the ALMOST birthday:

April 7
Doc appt 5:15
Sisters in bed Brooklyn at 7:20/Mae & Anna at 7:45
Put PD and GmaW on high alert for upcoming nights at 7:50
8:10 Lindsey calls doc
8:42 call to get PD GW to come
9:30 leave for hospital stop for gas
10:00 Lindsey goes to triage; Todd to waiting room
10:30 Todd rejoins Lindsey
Walk from 10:45 til 11:20
A little change but still 4cm
11:30 - sent home
Not happy

Big and cute
Baby night!  (false alarm)

Maybe she didn't come because we forgot to take our last family picture being a family of 5

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