Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What to Do, What to Do, Baby Brooklyn is Two

Huh?  Brooklyn's not already 2?  Despite talking as much as a 3 year old, it is true, Brooklyn only just turned 2.  She's turned from a cute baby into a little piece of awesome!  Birthday festivities were stretched out from Uncle Brett & Aunt Katie's house, to our house with our family, to McDonald's Playland, and to our house with Poe Cousins and Grandma Weez/Papa D.  She's happy to be 2!

Opening presents with...super heroes?  No, cousins, opening presents with cousins

A little birthday cinnamon roll

Brooklyn show us your happy face...

...there it is!

Presents time!

How 'bout a little space there, Ann

She has always loved books

But she might not even get a chance with this one (as her sisters plot to keep this one for themselves)

She loved the pictures of herself in Aunt Mar's card

Off to the Playland

Well hello random girl who made the birthday fun photos

It's her birthday

Celebrating with more family

Pure cuteness

So What If It's Winter - It's Swim Time!

We wanted to get our girls involved in something.  We decided through many factors that swimming was the best option ultimately because all three girls could do it.  We were also tired of the fear of the water - Mae at 5 years old the most.  It's a life skill that must be learned so Saturday afternoons became swim day.  The first few weeks were rough.  Brooklyn (who has to be accompanied by an adult) was NO problem and she loves every second of it.  Anna was nervous and has a hard time putting her face in the water, but her biggest problem was following instructions - she tends to be in her own world.  Mae had a rough first couple of weeks.  She got braver and braver though over the course of the winter into the spring.  The good news is they all enjoy going every week. 

Before Lesson #1 - the funny thing is the person looking the least excited here, loved it the most

Oh man - look at that face!  Brooklyn loves swimming!
It took a few weeks, but we finally got that smile!

Workin' hard

There goes little Anna!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Box Falling

Sometimes fun games just somehow come to be.  Who knew what could be done with just 2 big boxes?

I sent this shot to Lindsey who wasn't home

No pants!

Moving Rooms

To get people settled into new environments before Baby Schlenk #4 comes, everyone moved one room to the right.  Mae and Anna moved from Purple to Pink and Brooklyn moved from Blue to Purple.  Baby Schlenk will move from black womb to Blue (eventually). 

The Pink Room

The Purple Room

Winter 2016

The year seems to always start in the winter.  We didn't have a terrible winter and just before the last of the snow of the season, we were able to get out and sled. 

They all loved to be out in it

Our little bundled Brookie

She was indifferent on sledding, she just assumed having fun with Mom

Limited snow, high fun

Sledding partners